A Mumbai court on Wednesday ruled that Madhur Bhandarkar will stand trial for allegedly raping model-turned-actress Priti Jain, five years after her complaint to the police. "The magistrate said that FIRs are genuine and Madhur Bhandarkar will be put on trial," said Sushan Kunjuraman, Priti's lawyer. The aspiring actress had in her complaint to the police in 2004 alleged that Bhandarkar and she "had sex 16 times between 1999 and 2004". "Madhur had promised to give me a lead role in his films. However, he didn't offer me a lead role in any of his movies. At times when I refused, he raped me," she had alleged then.
Bhandarkar made three films in the five years that he knew Jain--Chandni Bar, Satta and Aan--and she complained that she had no role in any of them. "Bhandarkar's forthcoming movie, Page 3, also does not feature me," she had told reporters soon after filing her case. Priti also claimed that Bhandarkar had promised to marry her and make her a star.
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